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The brain is a complex organ that regulates all bodily processes including thought, sensory perception, and physical action. Despite weighing only 3 pounds, the human brain contains as many as 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections. Neurons are information messengers which use electrical and chemical impulses to transmit information around the central nervous system (CNS). The brain processes information it receives through its neuron network and sends signals to all parts of the body to control bodily functions and respond to stimuli. The brain is divided into two halves, the right and left brain. Specific areas of the brain are responsible for different functions, but the brain works as a whole. It is generally believed that the left and right hemispheres are distinct, controlling separate aspects of your cognitive functions and dictating certain personality traits. Recent studies have indicated that the left and right separation is misunderstood.

The Left And Right Sides Of The Brain

The left and right sides of the brain have distinct functions and they control various processes. Both the left and right halves of the brain have six different lobes. The left side of the brain is primarily responsible for speech and abstract thinking whereas the right side of the brain is responsible for processing images, and spatial thinking. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. The nerve fibers in the brain connect the left and right hemispheres. In a healthy brain, the left and right side of the brain communicate with one another and the brain works as a single unit. The two sides need not necessarily have to communicate, though. If a person has an injury that separates the two brain hemispheres, they can still function relatively normally.

What Is Left Brain Vs. Right Brain Theory?

The neurobiologist Roger W. Sperry proposed in the 1960s that each individual has a dominant brain half that determines their behavior, thoughts, and personality.  The idea that people can be left-brained or right-brained is appealing because of the differences in how the two hemispheres of the brain function.
As per the dated theory, left-brained people are more:

  • Logical
  • Analytical
  • Numerical
  • Detailed and fact-oriented
  • Likely to think in words

In contrast, the theory suggests that right-brained people are more:

  • Free thinking
  • Creative
  • Intuitive
  • Able to see the big picture
  • Likely to visualize more than in words

This implies that compared to the right brain, the left brain is more verbal, analytical, and orderly. Because it performs tasks like reading, writing, and calculating more efficiently, it is frequently referred to as the "digital brain."  Conversely, the right brain is more creative, intuitive, and visually oriented.

What Are The Characteristic Features And Functions Of The Left Brain?

The following are the characteristic features of the left brain:

  • Recognizing the sum of any situation, getting "the big picture”
  • Large muscle movements like walking
  • Sensing where one’s body is in space
  • Balance
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Emotional functioning (mood management)
  • Detecting smells, sounds and taste
  • Controlling avoidance behaviors
  • Linear thinking
  • Mathematics
  • Facts and sequencing 

What Are The Characteristic Features And Functions Of The Right Brain?

The following are the characteristic features of the right brain:

  • Understanding the concepts
  • Processing the visual shapes of the items
  • Recognising verbal ambiguity
  • Emotional and implied meanings
  • Imagination and holistic thinking
  • Arts and rhythm
  • Daydreaming
  • Feelings visualization

What Does Modern Research Say About The Left Brain Vs. Right Brain Myth?

The left brain vs. right brain theory was put to the test by a group of neuroscientists.  There is no evidence to support this belief, according to a 2013 study. The results of 1,000 individual’s magnetic resonance imaging showed that neither the strength of the networks on one side of the brain nor its preference for one over the other.  The two hemispheres are connected by bundles of nerve fibers that form an information highway. While the two sides operate in distinct ways, they nonetheless cooperate and support one another. Your brain is not used in a single-minded fashion.

For example, solving mathematical equations has historically been linked to the left brain. However, according to a 2023 evaluation, the right hemisphere aids in:

  • Spatial awareness while performing complicated calculations
  • Comprehending numbers that contain zeros
  • Non-verbal representation of numbers 

Similarly, language processing has been attributed to the left brain. The right brain, however, is crucial for comprehending context and nonliteral language, such as metaphors and irony, according to a 2020 review's authors. They also propose that language understanding and visualization are made easier by the spatial awareness of the right brain.
General personality traits, individual preferences, or learning styles do not indicate whether you’re left-brained or right-brained. However, certain areas of your brain do have specialities, though how each exact area functions may vary from person to person.

How To Maintain Brain Health?

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the following are the tips to maintain a healthy brain:

Along with these, the other ways to maintain brain health are:

  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Practice thinking exercises
  • Reduce stress
  • Involve in physical activities, especially aerobic exercises
  • Practice meditations


The brain is a complex organ with numerous parts and purposes. The functions and responsibilities of the left and right hemispheres of the brain differ.  Individual differences may exist in how these processes are divided. For instance, language and communication are mainly controlled by the left side of the brain in the majority of right-handed individuals, although this is less prevalent in left-hand dominant individuals.  People's personalities and behaviors are not influenced by the dominant side of the brain, although the two halves of the brain perform separate functions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: Is the left brain intelligent or the right brain?

A: In general, a person who is "left-brained" is often said to be more logical, analytical, and objective. A person who is "right-brained" is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective.

Q: What is right-brain weakness?

A: The American Stroke Association, states that if your brain is damaged on the right side, as it can happen after a stroke, you may suffer from memory loss, visual issues, left-sided paralysis, and behavioral abnormalities.

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