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Gynaecology & Obstetrics

About Doctor

I have special interest in Fetal Medicine and Prenatal diagnosis and High Risk Pregnancy management. I am trained in genetic counseling, level II Prenatal USG Scan and Prenatal diagnostic techniques like CVS and amniocentesis and cordocentesis, selective Fetal reduction. I am able to manage Rh negative sensitized Pregnancy and all High Risk Pregnancy. 

Education & Experience

  • MBBS:  SMS medical college Jaipur; passed in December 1993
  • MS: (Obst. & Gynae): SMS medical college Jaipur; passed in October 1998
  • DM (medical genetics) : SGPGIMS Lucknow passed in June 2002

Work Experience

  • Worked as senior registrar in obstetrics and Gynaecology Department and fetal medicine unit Apollo hospital New Delhi from October 2002 to August 2003.
  • Worked as Assistant/associate Professor in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Himalayan Institute of medical sciences, Jolly Grant, Dehradun, from August 2003 –  march 2012 (8 years+ 7 months teaching experience in MCI recognized medical college).Established prenatal diagnostic facilities and genetics department in Uttarakhand.
  • Worked as Consultant Obstetrics Gynaecology and fetal medicine at Cocoon hospital Jaipur from May 2012 to May 2014
  • Worked as Consulant Obstetrics Gynaecology and fetal medicine at Sonimanipal hospital Jaipur from June 2014 till December 2017
  • Working as Senior Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecology and fetal medicine at Fortis Escorts Hospital Jaipur from January 2018 till date. Performing all advanced gynaelaparoscopic surgeries.Doing high pregnancy management, recurrent abortions, painlesslabour, gynaelaproscopic surgeries,colposcopy,,cancer surgeries,obstetric ultasound,fetal doppler and anomaly scan.Established  prenatal diagnostic procedures like amniocentesis and chorionic villous sampling, cordocentesis, selective fetal reductions,intrauterine transfusion, first time in Jaipur 


  • Specialized training in  advanced fetal ultrasound and invasive procedures from SGPGIMS LUCKNOW

Awards & Honours

  • Received chikitsa shree award for expertise in genetics by IMA in 2019 
  • Best teacher award in 2011 by HIMS Dehradun


  • Agarwal Savita, Gulati R, Gambhir D, Garg N, Agarwal Sarita. Does B thalassemia confer protection against coronary artery disease.JIMI 2001; 4 (4); 171-173.
  • Halder A, Agarwal S, Chaddha V. Genetic Counseling in Obstetric practice. Obstetric Gyne. Today. June 2002, vol.vii, no 6, 310-318.
  • Phadke SR, Agarwal S. Prenatal screening for Down syndrome. Perinatology2002, vol4 (4):198-206.
  • Shubha R. Phadke, Savita Agarwal, S.S. Agarwal. Medical Genetics Education in India. TheNational Medical J of India, vol.15, No.6, 363, 2002.
  • Shubha R Phadke, Ratna Dua Puri, Savita Agarwal, Seema Thakur. Counseling of prenatally detected malformations of uncertain prognosis: A Dilemma. Perinatology 2003,vol.5(3):132-137.
  • Phadke SR, Agarwal S., Savita Agarwal, Phenotype score to grade the severity of thalasemia intermedia. Indian J Peditrics, vol. 70-june, 2003.
  • Chaddha V., Agarwal S., Phadke SR, Halder A, Savita Agarwal, low level of Mosaicism in Atypical Prader Willi Syndrome: Detection Using Fluorescent in Situ Hybriddization. Indian Peditrics vol. 40-feb 17, 2003.
  • Agarwal S, Seema Thakur, Agarwal Savita, Faisal Khan et al. Factor V Leiden Mutation (G1691A )in women with recurrent spontaneous abortions from north India. Obs. & Gynae Today volVIII No 11: nov 2003: 603-607
  • Halder A, Agarwal Savita,Pandey A. Iniencephaly and chromosomal mosaicism: A report of two cases.Congenital Anomalies 2005; 45:102-105.
  • Bansal Savita,Gupta V, Arya P, Mudgil SK, Gupta A. Extrauterine Translocated IUCD perforating sigmoid colon ; A case report. International J Obstr& Gynae 2006 vol9(2):53-54.
  • Agarwal S,Chaddha V, Halder A. Rapid prenatal diagnosis of Trisomy 18 by interfase FISH. Asian J Obst& Gynae Jan. Vol 7 (1);2003, 14-23.
  • Agarwal Sarita, Sarwai S, Agarwal Savita. Thalassemia Intermedia: Heterozygous B thalassemia and co-inherited of an alpha gene triplication. Hemoglobin, vol.26, No.3, pp321-323, 2002.
  • Shubha R Phadke, Savita Agarwal, RatnaDuaPuri. Recurrence of complex camptopolydactyly in a sibling suggestive of autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.  Am J Med Genetics 116A:94-96(2003).
  • Halder A., Chaddha V., Savita Agarwal, Agarwal S., Fauzdar A., Absence of sperm meiotic segregation error of chromosomes 1, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 21, X and Y in a case of 100% necrozoospermia . Asian J Andrology 2003 Jun; 2:163-166.
  • Saxena V,Bansal savita,Chaturvedi J,Kalra BP.Investigating causes and factors associated with still birth by verbal autopsy in Uttarakhand.Indian J.Prev. Soc.Med. Vol42No1,2011:14-18.
  • Bansal Savita,Gupta R,Mudgil SK.Successful outcome of secondary infertility following hysteroscopic removal of fetal bones.International J of Obstr Gynaecol India.May-june 2008,
  • Bansal Savita,Chaturvedi J,Mudgil SK. Spontaneous scar rupture at 18th weeks: an unusual case.Obstr &Gynaecol Today ,vol XIII No 4 april 2008:152-153
  • Bansal Savita,Nautiyal R,Agarwal J. Pregnancy with hypothyroidism. Obstr &Gynaecol Today, vol XIII No 9 Sept 2008:366-69
  • Bansal Savita,Chaturvedi J,Singhal VP.Indications and outcome of emergenct hysterectomies: a review of 37 cases in a tertiary care center.Asian J of  Obstetr & Gynae Practice. Vol 1 jan-march 2010:19-22.
  • Bansal Savita,Chaturvedi J,Singhal VP.Indications and outcome of emergenct hysterectomies: a review of 37 cases in a tertiary care center.Asian J of  Obstetr & Gynae Practice. Vol 1 jan-march 2010:19-22.
  • Bansal Savita,Gupta V,Gupta R.Successful fetal outcome in SLE following two neonatal deaths from congenital heart block.JPOG July/Aug 2009: 163-165.
  • Bansal Savita,Saini M,Harsh M. Is ectopic pregnancy possible after hysterectomy? Case report and review of literature. Fertility sterility feb 2010.
  • Vineeta G,Goel G,Rajni G,,Bansal Savita .Dilemma in management of menorrhagia with stroke.J Obstet Gynecol India vol .59.No. 6 :nov/dec 2009:602-603.
  • Vineeta G,Goel G,Rajni G,,Bansal Savita .Conventional surgical management of ectopic pregnancy in remote areas. J Obstet Gynecol India vol .57.No. 2 :mar/april 2007:142-144.
  • Bansal savita, kanwar shikha,kaur A.Mesoprostol for cervical priming in nonpregnant uterus.Internet Jof Gynaecol and Obstetrics 2009.vol 11 Number 1.
  • Bansal Savita,Chaturvedi J,Kaur Harpreet.Comparing the efficacy of newer methods of termination of early pregnancy.Indian J Obstet & Gynecol Jan-mar 2012.
  • Bansal savita,chaturvedi jaya.Ectopic pregnancy following laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy in a tubectomized women.J of Obstetr & Gynaecology of India ( accepted sept 2013).
  • Singhal VP,Pant HC,Bansal Savita. Correlation of endometrial thickness by TVS versus endometrial biopsy in postmenopausal women.Obs & gynae today may 2008:210-213.

Papers/poster Presented

  • Fetomaternal outcome in pregnancy with Jaundice. AICOG 2008 Feb, New Delhi.
  • Evaluation of phytoestrogens as therapeutic alternative to HRT in symptomatic postmenopausal women.UPCON OBGYN 2009 Banaras
  • Severe and unusual presentation of plasmodium vivax in pregnancy with malaria.AICOG Jan 2009 Jaipur.
  • Role of mesoprostol in cervical priming in nonpregnant uterus.9th World conference & 17 th National conference of Reproductive & Child Health sept 2008 jaipur.
  • Knowledge of genetics for obstetricians.  Guest speaker in symposium on fetal medicine jan 2014 SGPGIMS Lucknow 
  • Bladder and ureteric injuries during pelvic surgery(poster). Ist International conference of gynae plastic surgery 2007 Dehradun.
  • Early markers of Down Syndrome (poster). Ist  gynae  uttaracon  2003Dehradun.
  • Spectrum of birth defects in a tertiary care centre in uttarakhand (poster).ISPAT Feb 2006 New Delhi.
  • Prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling in duchenne muscular dystrophy. 6th national conference of Indian society of prenatal diagnosis and therapy (ISPAT) Pune 2002 Feb.
  • Spectrum of indication for prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal disorders in India. Federation of obst. &Gynae. U.P. chapter, Lucknow, 2001.
  • Recent advances in prenatal Diagnosis.Guest speaker in Chandpur Medical CME 2005 .
  • Bad obstetric history Guest speaker Haridwar  obstr -gynae society 
  • Newer techniques of prenatal diagnosis. Guest speaker Dehradun obstetrics &gynae society
  • Chaired a session in IstGynaeUttaracon 2003.
  • Gynae oncology CME 2010
  • Labour analgesia: guest speaker CME  Uttracon 2006 
  • Penalist in various conferences and CME 

OPD Time

Days: Monday to Saturday
Time: 11:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Room Number: 4
Contact: +91-9549158888
Address: Eternal Hospital, 3 A Jagatpura Road,
Near Jawahar Circle, Jaipur 302017
