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Stainless Steel Crown /Strip Crowns for children are typically used in cases where a primary tooth has significant decay, is broken or fractured, or has undergone a pulpotomy or pulpectomy procedure. They are placed over the remaining portion of the tooth, to restore its shape, size, and function. Stainless steel crown/strip crowns for children can help to prevent further decay or damage to the affected tooth as well as to maintain space for the permanent teeth that will eventually replace the primary teeth.

Stainless Steel Crowns:

Stainless Steel Crowns are extra-coronal restorations that are particularly useful in the restoration of large multi-surface cavities and grossly broken-down teeth. They cover the entire clinical crown, thus recurrent or further caries are less common. Traditional stainless steel crowns require excessive tooth preparation that can be challenging for both the patient and the clinician. However, the introduction of minimal intervention-sealed restorations (known as the ‘Hall crown technique’) has made the use of these restorations more realistic. They are, without doubt, the most durable restoration in primary dentition and should be the preferred technique in the high-cage mouth.

Strip Crowns:

Strip Crowns for children are prefabricated dental crowns designed specifically for restoring primary teeth that are grossly decayed or severely damaged. The purpose of a strip crown is to provide a temporary restoration for the primary tooth until it is replaced by permanent teeth. Strip crowns are prefabricated into the shape of a tooth crown and are made up of a thin, flexible metal substance such as transparent polymer, stainless steel, or nickel-chromium alloy.

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