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Eternal hospital is one of the leading multispeciality hospitals in India, dedicated to transforming lives with seamless care and innovative interventions. The hospital is recognized widely for its phenomenal work in the field of cardiology and happens to be one of the most trusted hubs for cardiac care and rehabilitation in India.

 What is Cardiology? 
Cardiology is a specialized branch of Cardiac Sciences, dedicated to the study, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of heart diseases and ailments. This includes the effective management of congenital heart diseases, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. Cardiology is primarily classified into 5 subspecialties - cardiac electrophysiology, non-invasive cardiology, interventional cardiology, paediatric cardiology and nuclear cardiology. 

Why should you consider Eternal Hospital?
Heart care is a complex field that requires immense specialization and expertise. With a highly specialized team of nationally and internationally acclaimed cardiologists, backed by best in class facilities for unparalleled preventive care, screening, diagnosis, invasive & non-invasive interventions, post-operative rehabilitation and surgical programmes, Eternal Hospital aims at making a wide spectrum of world-class facilities available to you under a single roof. 

Heart care has evolved tremendously over the years and is still evolving, with the advent of new techniques and procedures every now and then. Also, the Coronary Artery Disease epidemic faced by India has called for the need for even more effective treatments. At Eternal, we constantly strive to stay aligned with the changing trends and innovations in cardiac care to make sure that all the treatments offered by us are up to the minute. The proficiency, and skill of our team have helped us to make pioneering contributions in the field that have been acknowledged by people far and wide. Eternal hospital has always been and still continues to be the most sought after destination for the unparalleled management of a wide spectrum of heart problems. 

  • Leading-edge facilities and modalities
  • Best in class technology
  • Innovative treatment options
  • Multidisciplinary approaches
  • Dedicated surgical units and labs
  • Fully equipped ICUs
  • Transparency and confidentiality of treatment
  • World-class care
  • 24/7 availability

Meet Our Team

Dr. Samin K. Sharma

Chairman and Chief Interventional Cardiologist - Cardiology

Dr. Jitendra Singh Makkar

Chairman & HoD - Cardiology

Dr. Sanjeev Sharma

Chairman - Interventional Cardiology

Patient Testimonials
