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Radio frequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that is used to destroy the nerve fibers which is responsible for carrying pain that also blocks signals to the brain. It is used to provide relief to people who are suffering from chronic pain especially in the back of their spine, neck, and joints. Radiofrequency ablation is also known as rhizotomy that uses heat to stop the pain.  It also uses radiofrequency waves to ablate (which means burn) the nerve that is causing pain. It is essentially done to eliminate pain signals transferred.

  • Firstly, the doctor gives local anesthetics medication to relax the patient.
  • Then a thin needle is inserted in the area where the person is feeling the pain.
  • Then X-ray is used to locate the exact point location of the affected area.
  • Secondly, the microelectrode is inserted through the needle that gives begins to give a sensation that helps the doctor to find the right area to perform the treatment.
  • A small radiofrequency current is passed through electrodes that provide heat to the nerve tissue in order to give relief.

Risks factors:
Usually, the risk involved with radiofrequency evaluations is minimal and there are no serious complications but still one might feel

  • Dizziness
  •  Infection
  • Bleeding at the incision of the site
  • Weakness or numbness in the legs
  • Swelling or bruising at the insertion site

Meet Our Team

Dr. Jitendra Singh Makkar

Chairman & HoD - Cardiology

Dr. Sanjeev Sharma

Chairman - Interventional Cardiology

Dr. Atul Kasliwal

Director - Interventional Cardiology

Dr. Prem Ratan Degawat

Director of Mitral & Tricuspid Valve Therapy and Associate Director of TAVR & Structural Heart Disease Program - Cardiology

Dr. Kush Kumar Bhagat

Director - Electrophysiology and Heart Failure

Dr. Kush Mehrotra

Consultant - Cardiology
