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Congestive Heart Failure: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment


Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a serious condition where the heart fails to pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. This inefficiency in blood circulation can cause various complications, including shortness of breath, fatigue, and swelling in the legs and ankles. Understanding CHF is vital for effective management, which can significantly improve the quality of life for those affected.

Signs And Symptoms Of Women's Heart Attack


Today, heart diseases pose significant health hazards for women everywhere, often going unnoticed until it is too late. Understanding the unique features of heart disease in women is essential for prevention, early detection, and effective treatment.Let us go through a few of the significant points.

Monitoring Your Heart Rate: What Does It Say?


Heart health is fundamental to overall wellness since the heart plays an essential function in supplying oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. Monitoring heart rate can provide invaluable insights into cardiovascular health and help detect potential problems early on.Understanding normal heart rates and how they vary with age, fitness, and lifestyle can help you take proactive steps toward heart health.

How To Stop Numbness In The Legs And Feet?


Numbness in the legs and feet is a common complaint experienced by many people. A loss of sensation, a tingling, a prickling, sometimes described as a "pins-and-needles" feeling. Most are harmless and temporary conditions. However, some situations are a sign of an underlying health condition that requires proper medical attention. Identifying causes and proper treatments are key to pain relief and prevention of complications.

Normal Glucose Levels: What Should Glucose Levels Be After Eating?


Blood sugar, or glucose, serves as the primary fuel for the body's cells.The function of the pancreas includes maintaining normal blood sugar levels through the production of insulin, which is Insulin, a hormone, enables glucose to enter the cells. Monitoring normal blood sugar levels is crucial, particularly for those with diabetes or at risk of developing it.

Normal Blood Sugar Level Chart Based on Age: An Easy Guide


Blood sugar levels are crucial for diagnosing and managing diabetes.Your body needs blood glucose for energy, but it can lead to serious health problems if imbalances—either too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia)—are unregulated. Proper early detection, prevention, and management of glucose-related conditions depend on understanding normal blood sugar ranges based on age and lifestyle.In this blog, we will be covering all the normal blood sugar ranges, how it fluctuates between different age groups, and what affects it. Additionally,We will guide you on how to maintain healthy blood sugar levels for better overall health and wellness.

Effective Home Remedies for Eye Infections: How to Treat Naturally


Eye infections are common and can affect anyone, leading to discomfort and potential complications if not treated properly.Sweets can originate from numerous sources, such as bacterial and viral infections, allergies, and foreign bodies.Understanding the causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies is essential for effective eye care.

Why Is My Period Late? Signs And Symptoms


The menstrual cycle reflects the body’s hormonal balance and overall health, with most women experiencing regular cycles each month. A delayed period can often cause anxiety and confusion, leaving many women wondering about the underlying causes.But to be able to address a delayed period effectively, it’s crucial to understand the potential causes, accompanying signs, and symptoms.

Natural and Home Remedies for Tooth Pain


Dental emergencies affect not just the teeth but indeed the quality of life, and that is why cases of tooth pain can be incredibly painful and uncomfortable. Though one can go for some home remedies for some extent of relief, it is always advised to visit a dentist for diagnosis and proper treatment.It is important to understand the causes of tooth pain. Additionally, exploring natural and home remedies can help reduce discomfort.

How To Check Heart Blockage At Home?


Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a serious health condition where fatty deposits build up in the heart's arteries. These deposits can narrow the arteries, making it harder for blood to flow to the heart. This can lead to serious problems like heart attacks or strokes. Even if it is not possible to seek professional medical care to determine a definite diagnosis and plan on how to go about the issue, there are tests and modifications that you can do from the comfort of your home that will help you determine your current heart health. It is possible to track the changes in key indicators at home, which will allow recognizing some complications at early stages and visit a doctor. This guide is going to be focused on what at home devices and self-survey tools can be utilized, in order to track the state of heart health, as well as to identify the symptoms of possible heart blockages.

Sudden Sharp Pain in Chest that Goes Away Quickly: What It Means?


Experiencing sudden, sharp chest pain can be alarming, as it often triggers concerns about a serious health issue. Although this pain is often brief and linked to less severe conditions, it is crucial to understand the potential causes and know when to seek medical attention. Chest pains may be caused by numerous factors and can be as minor as a muscle pull or as severe as a heart attack. Thus, one of the goals of this guide is to give detailed information about the possible causes of sharp chest pain and teach how to understand whether it needs a doctor’s attention.

How to Reduce Cholesterol by Food: Cholesterol Reducing Foods


Cholesterol is a type of fat that is produced by the liver and also absorbed from the foods we eat.Cholesterol plays a crucial role in forming cell membranes and producing hormones, essential for various bodily functions.However, an imbalance in cholesterol, especially with high levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein), can lead to serious health risks, such as heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues.

How Much Breast Reduction Surgery Cost In Jaipur, India?


Breast reduction is the clinical procedure whose primary objective is to lessen the size and weight of the female breasts and may be performed due to medical need or for cosmetic purposes. As we will find out while looking at the case of the urban city of Jaipur in India, there could be various factors that contribute to the total cost of the same. The following is a breakdown of the costs as well as a close look at the rates of breast reduction surgery in other states of India and other countries.

What is the Anatomy of the Heart?


The heart is a muscular, hollow organ that plays a crucial role in the circulatory system by pumping blood throughout the body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and removing waste products like carbon dioxide.By learning about what it is and how it works, one can appreciate the role of cardiovascular fitness, and prevent various aspects of heart disease. Here’s a little more about the structure and function of the main parts as well as the chambers, valves, blood vessels, and the electrical system involved in the heart.

What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy in the First Week?


Pregnancy is a significant life event.It marks the start of a transformative journey filled with physical, psychological, and hormonal changes, preparing a woman for the experience of carrying a new life. In the first week, these changes can range from subtle fatigue to noticeable loss of appetite. Early recognition of these signs is crucial, as it encourages timely medical care, leading to better health and pregnancy outcomes.

How to manage Stress and Anxiety effectively?


In today's complex society, stress and anxiety are common, often stemming from various pressures such as work demands, family obligations, or other life challenges. This is probably because of such factors as work demands, family obligations, or the state of the world; these emotions are unhealthy for us. Fortunately, managing stress is one of the ways through which people can regain control of their lives and live a more healthy and active life. In this blog, the strategies will be explained step by step to decrease stress and anxiety and help people cope well with daily problems.

Is Lip Reduction Surgery Right For You?


Lip reduction surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery that aims to alter the size and contour of the lips to restore a more proportionate balance. It is often chosen by people who feel their lips are too large or by those who have had unsatisfactory results from other procedures, such as fillers. It is also sought by those who want to correct congenital lip deformities or asymmetry.

Post-Surgery Care For Children: What Parents Need To Know


Surgery is an anxiety-inducing event, especially when it involves children. The stress and worry that parents feel can be enormous, but it is critical to note that good post-surgery care is a significant factor that determines postoperative recovery. The recovery period after the operation is not less important than the operation itself, as it creates the basis for recovery and a healthy lifestyle. Understanding postoperative care helps parents support their child's recovery effectively. In this guide, we'll describe key measures the parents can take to help their child recover after surgery successfully.

Treatment Options For Neurological Disorders


Neurological diseases result from abnormal functions of the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves or nerve bundles of the peripheral nervous system. These diseases manifest as symptoms like weakness, numbness, pain, seizures, and disturbances in movement or coordination. The treatments for these disorders can only be achieved once their bog, possible treatment measures, and existing medical research on the subjects have been well understood. One should consider an appointment with a competent neurologist if one has signs of neurological disorders or upon observing manifestations of the tenets in a loved one.

Is Nausea During Pregnancy A Good Sign?


Nausea is a familiar sign that occurs during early pregnancy and is commonly termed as ‘morning sickness.’ While it can be uncomfortable, nausea is generally considered a normal part of pregnancy and can even be a reassuring sign that the pregnancy is progressing well. Understanding what triggers it, how to manage it, and when to seek medical attention can help reduce discomfort and ensure the health of both the mother and her unborn baby.

Causes and Treatment Options for Watery Diarrhea


Watery diarrhea is a frequent but quite debilitating disorder of the digestive system, characterized by the passing of loose, watery stools.It is quite an ordinary problem for most people yet causes considerable discomfort; the situation is further complicated by serious consequences if ignored. They can be due to many causes, which include infective agents and systemic illnesses; therefore, the importance of distinguishing them is for better management and prevention.

Risks And Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery


Minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS) is a revolutionary innovation in the context of cardiac surgeries that is rapidly replacing conventional open heart surgeries. This minimally invasive surgery makes it possible for surgeons to operate the heart through small incisions compared to normal surgical operations, hence reducing the impact of the operation on the body. In this blog, we will look into benefits as well as risks associated with minimally invasive cardiac surgery.

Recovery Tips after Laparoscopic Surgery: What to Expect


Laparoscopic surgery has changed significantly the way surgical procedures are done. Small incisions and special instruments are used to perform intricate surgeries with precision and less harm to the surrounding tissues. The patients benefit a lot from this procedure such as reduced pain, shorter hospital stay and quicker recovery period as compared to the traditional open surgery.

Top 5 Digestive Health Myths and Facts by Gastroenterologist


Read this blog to learn about the top 5 myths and facts about digestive health as explained by a gastroenterologist, and clear up digestive health common misconceptions.

Hidden Signs Of Coronary Heart Disease You Might Be Ignoring


Read this blog to discover the hidden signs of coronary heart disease, how to identify early symptoms, and take proactive steps to protect your heart health.

Top 10 Heart-Healthy Foods You Should Include In Your Diet


Your heart is probably the most unseen yet most hardworking organ of your body; it supplies the blood to all parts.The heart is incredibly crucial in determining how long and how well a person can live. Indeed genetic factors cannot be ignored, however, your habits, and especially your eating habits have a powerful influence on your cardiovascular health. For this particular blog, let’s look at the link between food and the heart.

Normal Heart Rate in Adults and Kids: When It's Dangerous?


Read this blog to learn about the normal heart rate in adults and children, the causes of normal fluctuations, and when an abnormal rate is dangerous.

Who Is The Best Gastroenterologist In Jaipur?


A proper digestion system is one of the vital aspects of the body's health. Therefore, whether it is a simple pain that one feels occasionally or a severe disease that affects an individual, these matters can have limitations that affect an individual’s life span. A gastroenterologist deals with detecting and treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Given the fact that there are many specialized clinics in Jaipur, it is rather difficult to make the right choice. So let us take you through the deep end of gastroenterology to assist with the best decision-making.

How Is Heart Failure Diagnosed?


Heart failure is diagnosed by monitoring the symptoms, carrying out specialized tests or laboratory examinations, as well as through clinical examinations and an analysis of the patient’s medical history.

What Is The Purpose Of A Right Heart Catheterization?


Right heart catheterization is another intervention that entails the use of a catheter to take measurements regarding the functioning state of your heart. This is done by passing a thin and flexible tube called a catheter through a vein in your neck, groin, or arm then threading it to your heart. This procedure enables the doctor to estimate the strength with which the heart is pumping blood and measure the pressure of blood in the heart, and the level of oxygen.

What To Expect After Spinal Fusion Surgery?


Spinal fusion is a surgical process that aims to combine two or more vertebrae in your spine such that they cannot move. Although GK can help alleviate chronic pain, enhance the range of motion, and potentially become a safe long-term treatment option, the patient and his/her family should be aware of the outcomes of the therapy process. In this, we shall accompany you from the time of the surgery to when the patient is recovering and adapting to new ways of life.

Dementia Treatment In Jaipur, India


Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, in which the individual suffers a gradual loss of psychological abilities, is a global issue. This disturbs memory, thought processing, and other behaviors which compromises the life of the affected individual considerably. Currently, there is no direct remedy for this disease, but if diagnosed in its early stage and adequately managed, the disease’s progression can be controlled. Jaipur India has become an important medical city where different treatments and assisting services for patients with dementia are provided. This blog discusses what dementia is, its possible causes, some of dementia’s symptoms, a treatment that is available in Jaipur, and some of the aspects that cause the treatment’s costs.

What Is A Neurological Disorder?


Our body and mind control center, the brain, comprises billions of nerve cells (neurons) that relay information at the speed of light. All of this together with the spinal canal, and the nerves extending to all regions of our body, make up the nervous system. But when there is a hitch in this fragile mechanism then a neurological disorder is the end product.

How Much Does Laparoscopic Surgery Cost In Jaipur, India?


Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive surgery that has brought very significant changes in the medical world. One of the key features of this technique is that it requires fewer cuts on the patients’ bodies than the conventional methods of surgery and as such the recovery period and pain associated with the procedure is comparatively less than in the open surgery. People from several countries including India believe that getting treatment from Jaipur’s new-generation healthcare institutions is rather cheaper than from most healthcare facilities in other countries. But people’s practical question is, “What is the average laparoscopic surgery cost in Jaipur?” Now let’s look at it in more detail.

When to See a Gastroenterologist?


Gastroenterology is the branch of internal medicine. The study of disorders and normal function pertaining to the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver is known as gastroenterology. It requires a thorough understanding of the gastrointestinal system's normal functioning, or physiology, which includes the motility of food passing through the stomach and intestines, the digestion and absorption of nutrients into the body, the elimination of waste from the system, and the role of the liver as a digestive organ. It covers common and significant conditions like hepatitis, peptic ulcer disease, colitis, gallbladder and biliary tract disease, nutritional issues, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), colon polyps and cancer, and pancreatitis.

Is Cardiac Surgery Right for You?


It's not always necessary to have surgery for cardiac issues. Medication, lifestyle modifications, or nonsurgical procedures can sometimes be used to treat them. By using energy, for instance, catheter ablation can stop abnormal electrical signals from passing through your heart by creating tiny scars in the tissue surrounding it. Through a minimally invasive procedure called coronary angioplasty, a blocked or narrowed coronary artery is kept open by the insertion of a stent.

What is Coronary Heart Disease?


Cardiovascular disease is a group of diseases that affect the structure and functioning of heart and blood vessels. These diseases can affect one or many parts of your heart and/or blood vessels. Globally, coronary heart disease (CHD) is a leading cause of both fatalities and disabilities. In 2005, a World Health Organisation (WHO) report stated that 17.5 million deaths (30%) globally were attributed to cardiovascular disease (CVD).

How to Prevent Cardiac Arrest?


Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is one of the major health burdens that is responsible for nearly 10% of global deaths and 50% of cardiovascular deaths. The global incidence of cardiac arrest is 55 per 100,000 people annually.

How much does heart transplant surgery cost in Jaipur, India?


Surgery to replace a person's damaged heart with a healthy one from an organ donor is known as a heart transplant. To remove the heart from the donor, two or more healthcare professionals should declare the donor brain-dead. You may require a heart transplant in conditions if your heart is failing to function properly and other treatments are not effective.

Rising Trend of Heart Attacks Among Young Adults: Insights into Post-COVID Complications


Recently, the incidence of heart attacks among young adults has increased, raising serious  concerns for public health. In earlier stages, it was thought that cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)  mostly trouble elderly people; but the scenario has changed completely in recent times. 

The Importance of Preventive Health Checkup Plans: A Lifesaver in Modern Times


Staying healthy and identifying health issues early on, before they worsen or become more  challenging to cure, are made possible by preventive health. 

Celebrating International Yoga Day 2024; Embrace Wellness with Ancient Wisdom


Yoga is a traditional physical, mental and spiritual practice which originated in India. The Sanskrit term "yoga" signifies "to join" or "to unite," symbolizing the union of the body and the mind. Even though yoga was practiced before the Vedic era, the great Sage Maharshi Patanjali used his Yoga Sutras to systematize and codify the forms, meaning, and associated knowledge of yoga at the time it was practiced.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Silent Heart Attack?


A silent heart attack is one that manifests as either no symptoms at all or very subtle signs. It is possible for someone to have a heart attack without realizing it until weeks or months after they are diagnosed. A silent heart attack is a loss of blood flow to the heart that happens painlessly and is frequently caused by clogged arteries.

How Much Does A Hernia Operation Cost In Jaipur, India?


A hernia occurs when fat or an organ pushes through a weak area in the fascia, the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. Hernias frequently occur in the belly or groin, or other areas where the abdominal wall is weaker. There are several possible reasons for this. 

What Is The Cost Of Bariatric Surgery Procedure In Jaipur, India?


Bariatric surgery is the medical term for surgical procedures used to manage obesity and obesity-related disorders. It is also known as metabolic surgery or weight loss surgery. Long-term weight loss with bariatric surgery can be obtained by changing gut hormones, physically shrinking the stomach, decreasing nutrient absorption, or a combination of these. 

Every Drop Counts: Unveiling the Lifesaving Power of Blood Donation


Blood donation is a voluntary activity which can help save lives. There are various blood donation methods. Each variety assists with various medicinal requirements. All transfusions need the use of donor blood, which has no substitute.

Understanding Brain Tumor Symptoms and Treatment Options


A brain tumor is characterized by abnormal growth or a cell mass in or around the brain tissue. People with stressful lives, unhealthy diets, poor physical activity, alcohol addictions, and tobacco consumption are more likely to develop brain tumors. Men are more likely to develop brain tumors.

Removal of Uterus and Ovaries: Advantages and Disadvantages


Hysterectomy, the surgical process of removal of the uterus and oophorectomy that involves the surgical removal of the ovaries needs consideration in women’s health care. It is important to notice that such procedures are often used in the treatment of various gynecologic conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, or ovarian cancers. 

What are the Symptoms of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding?


Abnormal uterine bleeding, or dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), is the term used to describe vaginal bleeding that does not occur as part of a regular menstrual cycle. Data suggest that approximately one-third of women may encounter DUB at some point in their lives, while exact figures are subject to variation.  It can happen at any age.

What Does Very Faint Line on a Pregnancy Test Mean?


One of the earliest indications that you may be pregnant is missing your period. As soon as possible, you can take a pregnancy test at home. You can even take a home pregnancy test prior to missing your first period if you exhibit very early pregnancy symptoms, such as implantation bleeding.

Can Gallbladder Stones Be Removed Without Surgery?


The gallbladder is a small organ located in your upper right abdomen, right below your liver. It's a pouch used to hold bile, a yellow-green fluid that aids in digestion. Problems with your gallbladder usually arise from obstructions in its bile duct, such as gallstones.

Liver Disorders in Pregnancy: Signs and Symptoms


Liver disorders in pregnancy consist of a wide range of diseases arising during gestation and the postpartum period which can result in abnormal liver function tests, hepatobiliary dysfunction, or both. It occurs in 3-10 %  of all pregnancies.

What are the causes of hernia in males?


Hernias are a common medical condition which affects millions of individuals worldwide, with males being particularly susceptible. Understanding the underlying causes of hernias in men is crucial for prevention, early detection, and effective management of this condition.

7 Days Diet Chart for Diabetic Patients


In India, 13.7 crore people have prediabetes and over 10 crore people have diabetes. Diabetes is a condition that is frequently brought on due to poor lifestyle choices. Thus, controlling diabetes with food can be effective.

Plastic Surgery Cost in India


Plastic surgery modifies specific body parts to improve appearance or treat medical conditions. Your arms, legs, breasts, stomach, and face are among the areas that surgeons may operate on. Function is restored and faults or injuries are repaired by reconstructive surgery. For reasons other than medical ones, cosmetic surgery enhances appearance. 

How much do Dental Implants Cost in India?


A dental implant is a prosthesis used to replace a lost tooth. The surgeon uses screw-like devices to place an implant into the jawbone, which serves as an anchor for a crown, a type of prosthetic tooth.  A device known as an abutment connects the artificial tooth to the dental implant.

What Do Anesthesiologists Do?


An anesthesiologist is a healthcare provider who specializes in giving anesthesia, which is the medication that prevents you from feeling pain during operations or surgery. Your care is provided by anesthesiologists prior to, during, and following the surgery.

What Is Interventional Cardiology?


Interventional cardiology is a non-surgical approach to managing a variety of heart problems. This speciality uses tiny tubes known as catheters to diagnose and treat disorders of the heart and blood vessels. By using these tiny tubes that are inserted into your blood blood vessels, medical professionals can avoid doing open heart surgery. Nonetheless, when treating a heart attack, for example, they can produce outcomes that are potentially life-saving.

Types of Cardiac Surgery


A surgical procedure performed to repair or enhance heart function is known as heart surgery. It can resolve issues that you either develop over time or that you are born with. These can include blockages as well as structural or cardiac rhythm problems. The type of surgery you receive is determined by the problem you have.

All You Need To Know About Bariatric Surgery


Weight loss surgery, sometimes called bariatric surgery, is a treatment for people who are severely obese. It shrinks the stomach, which causes one to feel fuller faster and consume less food.

How To Remove Heart Blockage Without Surgery In 24 Hours?


Electrical signals control the beating of the heart. A heart block is a problem with your heartbeat signal moving from the upper to the lower part of your heart. The signal can only get through sometimes, or not at all. This makes your heart beat slower or skip beats than normal. People who have second-degree or third-degree heart block may experience fainting, tiredness and shortness of breath.

What Is The Difference Between Bypass Surgery And Open Heart Surgery?


Open heart surgery and bypass surgery are the most commonly used procedures for the most effective treatments for heart diseases. Open heart surgery is performed by accessing the heart directly by making an incision through a patient's chest, while bypass surgery involves creating alternate pathways to direct blood flow.  Both surgical procedures have their own advantages and benefits. 

Know Your Heart With CT Coronary Angiography


Computerized tomography coronary angiography is an imaging technique that examines the coronary arteries ( arteries that supply blood to the heart). A CT coronary angiogram produces images of the heart and its blood vessels using a powerful X-ray machine. The procedure helps to diagnose a variety of heart conditions.

CT Angiography Vs. Angiography: What Is Best For You?


Angiography is the process of examining the blood vessels using X-ray imaging. The images generated during an angiography procedure are known as angiograms. Blood vessels do not show clearly on a normal X-ray, so a special dye called a contrast agent needs to be injected into your blood first. 

What Is The Difference Between The Left And The Right Brain?


The brain is a complex organ that regulates all bodily processes including thought, sensory perception, and physical action. Despite weighing only 3 pounds, the human brain contains as many as 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections.

5 Neurological Disorder Symptoms You Need to Know


The nervous system is a complex, highly developed system that controls and coordinates body activities. It is made up of two major divisions, including the central nervous system (which consists of the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system(which consists of all other neural elements, including the peripheral nerves and the autonomic nerves).

Congenital Heart Disease and Its Types


A structural or functional issue with the heart that occurs from birth is known as congenital heart disease (CHD). The defect can affect the heart walls, heart valves or the blood vessels in the heart. There are several types of congenital heart diseases varying from simple conditions that do not cause any symptoms to severe conditions that may even cause life-threatening symptoms.

What is Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease?


Acyanotic congenital heart disease (ACHD) refers to heart disorders that develop before birth or during birth but do not typically interfere with the amount of oxygen or blood that reaches the body's tissues. Congenital heart disease affects 8 to 9 per 1,000 live births. Approximately 75% of congenital heart disease cases are acyanotic. 

Non-Surgical Treatment for Heart Blockage


Heart Blockage is also known as coronary artery disease, coronary heart disease, or ischemic heart disease. Heart blockage occurs when cholesterol (plaques) gets deposited on the wall of the arteries in the heart, causing narrowing.

Heartburn or Heart Attack? Understanding the Difference


Heart attack and heartburn are two different diseases that might share the same symptom: chest pain. And, while some visual depictions of heart attacks make them appear as large, chest-clutching shows, this is not necessarily true. This blog discusses how to determine the difference between heartburn and a heart attack. 

Recognizing the Different Symptoms of Heart Attacks in Women


It might be difficult for women to recognise the symptoms of a heart attack. Often, these sensations are less severe than the heart-clutching anguish associated with heart attacks in men. Women often tend to downplay the symptoms or blame them on stress, physical strain, or digestive issues. 

Pacemaker Surgery: Everything You Should Know


A pacemaker is a surgically implanted device that copies the electrical pulses that control heartbeats. Pacemaker surgery may be performed as an outpatient or inpatient treatment, depending on your health and the reason for the heartbeat issue. A pacemaker is used to repair an abnormally slow heartbeat either permanently or temporarily, such as after open-heart surgery.

Open Heart Surgery: Indications, Risks and Success Rate


Open heart surgery is a serious procedure that requires a one-week or longer hospital stay. An individual will frequently spend time in the intensive care unit just after surgery.

How to clear blocked arteries without surgery


Blocked arteries are dangerous for cardiovascular health since they can result in serious consequences including strokes and heart attacks. While major cases are frequently treated with surgical operations such as angioplasty and bypass surgeries, many people look for less invasive ways to unclog blocked arteries.

Cervical Cancer Screening: Pap Smears and the HPV Vaccine


Cervical cancer is the fourth most prevalent cancer in women worldwide, with approximately 660,000 new cases and 350,000 deaths in 2022. Low- and middle-income countries have the highest incidence and deaths from cervical cancer. This indicates significant differences due to a lack of access to the national HPV vaccine, cervical screening, and treatment programs, as well as social and economic factors.

The Path to Understanding: Exploring the Causes of Diabetes


Commonly referred to as diabetes, the condition known as diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that is marked by chronically higher blood sugar levels. It is a complex illness impacted by a person's lifestyle, environment, & genes.

Recognizing Heart Valve Disease Symptoms: A Guide for Awareness


Millions of persons world are afflicted by heart valve disease, yet many may not be aware of its signs and symptoms until it worsens. For early detection and successful treatment, it is essential to recognize the symptoms of heart valve disease.

Heart Failure Alert: Signs and Symptoms That Require Attention


Heart failure can be fatal and arises from the heart's inability to pump blood throughout the body adequately. Several underlying conditions, including hypertension, coronary artery disease, and previous heart injury, are the causes of it.

Don't Ignore the Signs: Key Heart Attack Symptoms to Watch Out For


Myocardial infarctions, another name for heart attacks, are terrifying incidents that happen when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to a portion of the heart. quick detection of heart attack symptoms is essential for possibly life-saving treatment and quick action. 

Neurosurgery and Stroke: Interventional Procedures and Rehabilitation Strategies


Neurosurgery and stroke management have made remarkable advances in recent years, transforming both interventional techniques and rehabilitation strategies. These breakthroughs have dramatically improved patient outcomes, providing hope and improving the quality of life for people suffering from neurological diseases.

Advantages and Benefits of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Compared to Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement


Heart health is extremely important, and new developments in medical technology are transforming the ways that cardiovascular diseases are treated. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), a minimally invasive surgery that has revolutionized the treatment of aortic valve stenosis, is one such breakthrough. TAVR represents a new era in cardiac care with its many advantages over the standard Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement (SAVR).

Who Needs Knee Replacement Surgery? Indications and Criteria for Joint Replacement


Knee replacement surgery replaces damaged or worn-out knee joints. Surgery can help relieve discomfort and improve knee function. During surgery, broken bone and cartilage are replaced with metal and plastic components. A surgeon evaluates your knee's range of motion, stability, and strength to determine whether a knee replacement is suitable for you.

The Advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery: Minimally Invasive Techniques For Faster Recovery


Laparoscopic surgery employs a laparoscope, a narrow rod with a camera attached, to view the abdominal and pelvic cavities through tiny keyhole incisions. This minimally invasive surgical method is linked to quicker recovery and improved patient outcomes.

Understanding Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: What You Need to Know


Coronary artery bypass surgery opens up a new conduit for blood flow around a blocked or partially obstructed artery in the heart. The operation entails removing a healthy blood artery from the chest or leg. The vessel is connected beneath the clogged cardiac artery. 

Types of Bypass Surgery: Exploring Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) and Minimally Invasive Procedures


Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) is a treatment for coronary artery disease (CAD), which occurs when the coronary arteries constrict, reducing the delivery of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. The graft is replaced with a healthy blood vessel from another part of the body, such as a vein from the leg or an artery in the chest.

Life After Heart Transplantation: Health And Lifestyle Changes


Life after a heart transplant can be significantly different, especially in the months after the procedure. Symptoms of cardiac disorders such as end-stage heart failure ought to significantly improve. Many people can keep the same level of physical activity and quality of life as those who have not had a heart transplant.

Infertility: Causes, Diagnosis, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies


Infertility is a condition in which you are unable to conceive after one year of trying. Infertility can be caused by ovulatory issues, endometriosis, a low sperm count, or low testosterone. As you become older, your chances of infertility increase. Infertility patients have various treatment options available to them.

High-Risk Pregnancy: Causes, Management and Precautions


A high-risk pregnancy carries significant risks to the pregnant woman, the fetus, or both. A pregnancy can be high-risk if one has specific medical conditions or is over 35 or under 18 years old. These pregnancies require continual monitoring to reduce the risk of problems. 

Neurosurgery for Brain Tumors: Diagnosis, Treatment Options, and Prognosis


Brain tumors can be either malignant (cancerous) or benign (noncancerous), and they may affect both children and adults. However, whether malignant or not, brain tumors may interfere with brain function if they grow large enough to exert pressure on surrounding tissues. There are various treatments available for brain tumors.

Diagnostic Techniques for Vascular Heart Diseases: From Angiography to Imaging Modalities


Cardiac imaging encompasses a variety of examinations that take photos of your heart and surrounding structures. Healthcare providers utilize the tests to diagnose and treat cardiac diseases. Chest X-rays, cardiac MRIs, and nuclear cardiac stress testing are some examples of cardiac imaging techniques.

Heart-Stopping Signs: Identifying Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest


Cardiac arrest is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate action. Despite its potential severity, studies show that many people are not confident in their ability to respond in this situation. In this blog, we will discuss various signs of cardiac arrest.
Cardiac arrest occurs because of an electrical issue that makes your heart stop beating.

Lifestyle Modifications for Supporting Heart Health Post-Intervention


Heart-healthy lifestyle changes include eating heart-healthy foods, exercising regularly, quitting smoking, getting enough good-quality sleep, maintaining a healthy weight, having your blood pressure and cholesterol checked, and managing your blood sugar. Consuming a lot of saturated and trans-fat-rich foods may increase your risk of developing heart disease. 

Understanding Angioplasty: Procedure Risks and Recovery


Coronary angioplasty is a procedure for opening clogged blood vessels in the heart. Coronary angioplasty is used to treat vessels known as coronary arteries, which carry blood to the heart muscles. 

The Role of Genetics in Vascular Heart Diseases: Understanding Familial Patterns


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is among the leading causes of death worldwide. A variety of studies have been undertaken to determine how to combat this condition.

Exploring the Procedure: A Step by Step Guide to TAVI


The primary treatment for aortic valve issues is open heart valve surgery. However, open-heart surgery may be considered too dangerous for patients who are too ill or have several other medical issues.

An Overview of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation TAVI: What You Need to Know


TAVI is a minimally invasive procedure that uses smaller incisions than open-heart valve surgery. It may be a possibility for those who are unable to undergo cardiac surgery to replace their aortic valves.

Her Health Alert: Understanding Kidney Disease Symptoms in Females


Millions of people worldwide suffer from kidney disease, a major health issue that presents particular difficulties for women. For early detection and treatment, it is essential to identify the signs of kidney disease in females. In it, we will examine the signs, causes, and precautions associated with kidney failure in women.

Relief and Remedies: A Guide to Effectively Treat Vomiting


Even though it's a normal physiological reaction, vomiting can be upsetting and affect day-to-day activities. Relieving discomfort and avoiding consequences requires knowing how to handle vomiting properly. 

Unmasking Diarrhea: A Comprehensive Look at Symptoms and Signs


A common gastrointestinal condition called diarrhoea is characterized by loose, watery faeces that are frequently accompanied by nausea, bloating and cramping in the abdomen.

Heart Valve Replacement in India: Understanding Costs and Healthcare Concerns


The replacement of unwell-damaged heart valves with artificial ones is a crucial medical surgery known as heart valve replacement. 

Surgical Precision: Exploring the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery for Effective Treatment


With its important alternative to open operations, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) gives patients a new advancement in spine care.

Occupational Therapy vs Physical Therapy-Understanding the difference and choosing the right path to Recovery


A key component in the complicated field of healthcare is the dynamic interaction between physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT), which helps people find their way back to health. OT and PT, as allied health professions, are essential in treating a wide range of conditions, from neurological diseases and orthopaedic injuries to cognitive deficits and rehabilitation after surgery.

Heart Bypass Surgery: Success Rates and Consequences


Coronary artery bypass grafting, or heart bypass surgery, is a crucial operation for patients suffering from coronary artery disease. By avoiding blocked or constricted arteries and using body grafts, this complex operation attempts to restore blood flow to the heart. 

An Overview of the Physical Rehabilitation Process


Enhancing, maintaining, and regaining an individual's physical health comprehensively and dynamically is the aim of physical rehabilitation. This therapy aims to aid people in recovery following illnesses, surgeries, or traumas that have limited their range of motion. 

Heart Bypass Surgery in India: Understanding Costs and Treatment


For those suffering from coronary artery disease, heart bypass surgery is a vital treatment which provides a lifeline to better cardiac health. India leads the way in medical tourism for this treatment because it has the best combination of facilities for excellent healthcare, highly qualified cardiac surgeons, and accessibility.

Heart Blockage: Understanding Causes, Diagnosis and Effective Treatment


Blood flow to the heart is restricted by cardiac blockage (CAD), which narrows arteries. Study causes, diagnoses, and treatments to ensure future heart health.

Gallbladder Disease - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options


The small, pear-shaped organ located under the liver is affected by a variety of disorders together known as gallbladder disease, which is very common and has a significant effect on digestive health.

Coronary Artery Disease - Causes, Symptoms and Lifestyle Insights


In the context of cardiovascular health, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a powerful foe that affects millions of people.

Examine the Surgical Costs of Open Heart Surgery


For some with serious cardiovascular diseases, open heart surgery is a ray of hope and recovery.

Shoulder Strain: Overview to Rotator Cuff Injuries and Recovery


The human shoulder is an incredible work of biological innovation that allows us the amazing ability to move like never before. 

Understanding & Preventing Food Allergies in All Ages


Among all age groups, food allergies pose a serious health risk because they are immune system reactions to particular proteins in particular foods. 

Understanding of UTIs: Causes, Signs and Preventive Measures


Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are a common health concern that impact millions of people.

When is arthroscopy the Right Choice for Joint Problems?


Arthroscopy is an advanced technique that has revolutionized the treatment and management of various joint problems. This blog, by the best doctors for arthroscopy in Jaipur, will help you understand why you should opt for the procedure.

Why Should You Choose Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?


Minimally invasive spine surgery has become the trusted choice for millions of individuals worldwide who are suffering from chronic back pain and spinal problems. While conservative treatments may work for some, for many, the only way to put an end to the problem is surgical intervention

When to See a Urologist: Common Problems and Solutions


When it comes to any problem related to your urinary tract, the role of a urologist comes into play. A urologist is a doctor who holds specialisation in diagnosing, assessing, treating and managing complex problems affecting the urinary system of males and females, both adults and kids

Understanding Various Parkinson Disease Treatment Strategies


The best Parkinson's disease doctors in Jaipur suggest that the first step towards beating the disease is to raise awareness about its treatment. 

All You Need to Know about Brain Tumor Surgery and Recovery


A brain tumor is a daunting diagnosis that can turn one's life upside down in an instant. However, thanks to advances in medical science, brain tumor surgery has become a viable treatment option, giving hope to patients worldwide.

Exploring the Different Types of Neurosurgery


Advancements in the field of Neurosurgery have made it possible to treat complex disorders of the most crucial and sensitive structures of the human body, the brain and the spine

Know about the Top 10 Neurological Diseases


The human brain, the most sophisticated organ in our bodies, regulates every part of our life, from thoughts and emotions to bodily processes. 

What are the Common Causes of Heart Failure?


Our hearts work nonstop to circulate blood throughout our bodies, ensuring that our organs receive the oxygen and nutrition they require to function properly. 

Normal Newborn Care


The birth of a baby is a joyful and exciting event for every family. It is advisable for every couple to be alert and cautious since the birth of a child is a crucial moment.

अपेंडिक्स दर्द : महिलाओं को पड़ सकता है भारी, रखें लक्षणों पर नज़र


पेट में दर्द होना बहुत ही सामान्य होता है लेकिन कभी-कभी यह दर्द कई बार काफी घातक रूप ले लेता है। हल्का-फुल्का यह दर्द अचानक से तेज़ होने लगता है और छींकने व  खांसने पर यह और ज्यादा होने लगता है। इस स्तिथि में आपको थोड़ा सतर्क रहने की ज़रूरत होती है क्योकि यह दर्द अपेंडिक्स का भी हो सकता है।

What you need to know about Inguinal Hernia Surgery


An inguinal hernia is a painful and inconvenient condition that affects millions of people around the world. Although not all inguinal hernias necessitate surgery, many do.This article will go through the specifics of inguinal hernia surgery, including what it is, when it is required, how it is performed, and what to expect during recovery.

Comprehensive Approach to Parkinson Disease Treatment


Parkinson's disease is a complex neurological disorder that affects millions of people throughout the world. While there is no cure for Parkinson's, there is hope in the form of comprehensive treatment techniques that can dramatically enhance the quality of life for those living with the disease.

Understanding Brain Surgery Craniotomy Procedures


Brain surgery, a medical operation requiring accuracy and competence, maybe a frightening subject. Understanding the fundamentals of brain surgery, particularly the craniotomy method, can assist in debunking this critical component of healthcare.

The Importance of Cardiac Rehabilitation by Top Cardiac Specialist


Cardiac rehab or cardiac rehabilitation is an organized program created by top cardiac specialists to assist people with heart-related problems in regaining their mental, emotional, and physical health.

Why Would You Need Cardiology Surgery?


With so many advancements and innovations coming forth every now and then, cardiology surgery stands as a hope for individuals diagnosed with complex heart conditions.

Understanding and Overcoming the Challenges of Critical Care Surgery


Following critical care surgery, the road to recovery is as important as the surgery itself. Human resilience is demonstrated by the ability to survive serious medical illnesses and overcome their debilitating impact, however, achieving complete recovery of health can be difficult and time-consuming.

Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Ent


Expert ENT surgeons suggest that minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has been a revolutionary advancement in the field of ENT (ear, nose, and throat) that has made it possible to perform complex interventions without any need for extensive invasion.

Why Top Bariatric Surgeons Recommend Weight Loss Surgery


In the battle against obesity, weight loss surgery has emerged as a powerful tool that can transform lives and improve overall health. Bariatric surgery, a category of surgical procedures designed to promote weight loss, has gained significant traction in recent years due to its remarkable success rates and numerous health benefits.

Role of Anesthesia and Its Types


Anesthesia involves inducing a controlled and temporary loss of sensation or awareness using special drugs called anesthetics.

Improving Fertility: Expert Tips From a Leading Gynecologist


Fertility is a topic of immense importance for couples aspiring to start a family. In recent times, the field of reproductive health has witnessed remarkable advancements, offering new insights and strategies to help couples enhance their fertility.

Healthy Gut Tips From Leading Gastro Specialist


Experts often emphasise the importance of having a healthy gut, but, have you ever wondered why? Apart from playing a pivotal role in the digestive system, our gut also has a significant impact on our immunity, mood regulation, and more.

Prioritising joint health: Tips from best Orthopedic Doctors


Sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy dietary practices have become so common nowadays that some people have even started to normalize these. If you ask an expert, only then will you understand, how your lifestyle choices are making a significant impact on your overall health, and this includes your joints, too.

Getting Familiar with the Most Common Urological Diseases


Urological diseases encompass a wide range of conditions that affect the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. Common urological diseases include urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, prostate enlargement (BPH), and prostate cancer.

क्या है माइग्रेन के कारण एवं लक्षण और कैसे इसका प्रबंधन करें?


माइग्रेन एक गंभीर और बार-बार होने वाला सिरदर्द है जो दुनिया भर में लाखों लोगों को प्रभावित करता है। वैसे तो अभी इसका एक निश्चित कारण पता नहीं लगाया जा सका है लेकिन ऐसे कुछ ट्रिगर्स का अवश्य पता चला है जो इसके मुख्य जनक हो सकते है।

Effective Treatments for Ankle and Foot Disorders: Restoring Mobility and Function


Ankle and foot disorders cover a wide range of conditions that can severely impact mobility and quality of life. The intricate structures of bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the ankle and foot are crucial for stability and flexibility during movement.

मानसून में प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करने के लिए कुछ ज़रूरी टिप्स।


इस मौसम में, आपके स्वास्थ्य को सुरक्षित रखने और बीमारी से बचने के लिए अपनी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत करना महत्वपूर्ण है। इस ब्लॉग में, हम कुछ महत्वपूर्ण रणनीतियों पर ध्यान देंगे जो आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत बनाने में मदद करेंगे और आपको मौसम का आनंद उठाने में सहायता करेंगे।

जानिए पुरानी ह्रदय सर्जरी पद्धति के मुकाबले TAVI के अद्वितीय लाभ।


हार्ट रोग एक सामान्य और संभावित घातक बीमारी है जो विश्वभर में लाखों लोगों को प्रभावित करती है। पारंपरिक ओपन हार्ट  सर्जरी दशकों से कई हृदय समस्याओं, जैसे ऐवरिक वाल्व परेशानियों, के लिए मुख्य उपचार विधि रही है। हालांकि, जैसे की चिकित्सा प्रौद्योगिकी में प्रगति हुई है, आवासीय हृदय सर्जरी के बदलते उपचार के रूप में ज्ञात ट्रांसकाथेटर ऐवरिक वाल्व इम्प्लांटेशन (टेवीआई) एक क्रांति साबित हुआ है।

Surgical Approaches for Chronic Pain Management


Chronic pain is a complex condition, which significantly impacts the quality of a person’s life. While conservative treatments like medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications can provide relief for many, in some cases, the pain and discomfort persist despite these interventions.

Heart failure unveiled: understanding causes, symptoms, and treatment options


Heart failure is a serious global health issue with around 56.19 million prevalent cases worldwide. It is predominantly a result of some existing heart conditions that induced severe damage to the heart. The top cardiologists in Jaipur suggest that congestive heart failure is very much preventable.

Have a Kidney disease? These foods are bad for you


Our lifestyle choices have a major impact on our overall health, and when we speak of lifestyle, it includes our diet too.

How Brain Tumor affects the brain: 4 signs you should not ignore


With more than 120 different types, brain tumors account for about 85 to 90 per cent of all tumors affecting the central nervous system.

Habits that can make your Arthritis worse


More than 350 million people across the globe are living with arthritis, a progressive condition marked by the gradual degeneration of joints 

Are your Kidneys as healthy as you think they are?


Kidney disease refers to any condition that can interfere with the normal functioning of our kidneys. 

All you need to know about Polycystic Kidney disease


Polycystic kidney disease or PKD is basically a genetic or inherited disorder in which clusters of cyst get developed within the kidneys.

What is Coronary Angioplasty and why is it required?


Coronary angioplasty is basically a cardiac procedure which is used in order to widen the narrowed or blocked arteries. 

How does Transcatheter Aortic Valve replacement help in treating Heart conditions?


Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is basically a modern minimally invasive heart 

What is Irritable Bowel disease, its symptoms, causes and risk factors


Irritable bowel syndrome is basically a very common gastric disorder that affects the intestines, stomach and the gastrointestinal tract.

All you need to know about Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH)


Benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH is basically a condition in which the prostate gland becomes enlarged. 

Things to know about Spine Stenosis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment


Spinal cord disorders are basically conditions that cause deterioration or damage to the spinal cord. 

Does Cold weather increase the risk of Heart attack


Cold weather usually makes an individual more vulnerable to cardiac diseases such as heart attack. 

Things you need to know about Hip Replacement Surgery


Hip joint is one of the most important joints in our body as it is required for daily movement. Hip joint is basically a ball 

Things to know before your Knee Replacement Surgery


Knee replacement surgery is a type of joint replacement surgery in which an expert orthopedician replaces parts of injured or worn out knee joints. In cases where the damage is severe in such cases at total knee replacement surgery may be required.

Top most Neurological Disorders and their symptoms


Neurological disorders usually affect one or more parts of the nervous system. Nervous system consists of nerves, brain, spinal cord and neurons; any issue in part may cause severe neurological disorder. 

Steps to follow post TAVI procedure


TAVI or transcatheter aortic valve replacement is basically a surgical procedure which is used to treat or replace a faulty valve. It is a minimally invasive procedure

Primary reason behind Orthopedic and Joint disease


Joint diseases or Orthopedic conditions are basically caused due to injuries or diseases that usually affect the musco-skeletal 

Things to know before Bariatric Surgery


Bariatric surgery is basically a gastric surgical procedure that is used to restrict food intake and decrease the absorption of food in the stomach and intestine. This is done in order to help individuals to lose weight more efficiently in a shorter time span.

How to avoid Cardiac Disease?


Cardiac diseases are basically conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels in the body. There can be several reasons due to which a person can suffer

Benefits of Physiotherapy


Physiotherapy is an alternative course of therapy that aids in bringing back the typical movement and capability of the body in the event that an individual is impacted by a 

Why should we not ignore Mental Health?


It is seen in recent years there has been an increased change in society and people are more aware of the importance of Mental Health and acknowledge

What is Laparoscopic Surgery and how is it different from open Surgery?


Laparoscopy is basically a modern surgical technique that requires smaller cuts or incisions as compared to open surgery. It is also widely known as Minimally invasive..

How can Obesity lead to Infertility among females?


Obesity is the root cause of various chronic, life-threatening conditions and health diseases that has an impact on the normal functioning of the body including reproductive health.

How to Track and manage Diabetes


As you know Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose which is also referred to as blood sugar, is too high in your body.

Robotic Surgery - How can it make a difference?


Robotic surgery has changed the fate of surgical procedures and has proved to be one of the biggest discoveries in medical science. Surgeons use robotic surgery as it helps them to perform the surgery with more accuracy and to control the robotic arm with the help of a computer. 

Steps to follow to live a healthy lifestyle


It is saying that health is wealth which is so true. The year 2020 has shown the correct meaning of being healthy and how important one's health is. Being healthy is one of the most important things in life as only a healthy person can be in a state of mind to work.

Life Expectancy After a Heart Transplant


The heart is one of the most important organs in the body as it beats non-stop in order to transport oxygen and nutrients to the entire body. Any abnormality in the heart may cause severe life-threatening conditions.

Importance of Pediatric Surgeries and routine checkups


Pediatric surgery is a very special and complex form of medical procedure which is related to surgical treatment for newborn babies, and small kids. The need for this type of surgery for kids surfaced in the 20th century

Symptoms, Prevention, and cure of Blood Clotting


Blood clotting is also widely known as coagulation which is an important process that prevents excessive bleeding in case of an injury or accident.

Impact of agricultural use of Pesticides and Insecticides on health


Pesticides are basically chemical substance that is used to kill and control certain types of plant or animal life that are considered pests. This pest harms or destroys vegetation;

Effects of Millennial Lifestyle on Health


Good health depends upon various factors such as one’s lifestyle and diet. People who follow a particular kind of lifestyle that includes exercise, yoga, and meditation and consume a balanced and healthy diet live longer and are free from various chronic diseases.

What causes Heart Attacks and how can they be prevented?


A heart attack is a condition in which the blood flow of the heart gets affected due to a reduction of blood flow or blockage. Heart attack is a very common heart condition that occurs among individuals all across the globe.

What is Motor Neurone Disease and how does it affect an individual?


Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a  progressive disease that affects the nervous system by causing extreme muscle weakness. MND greatly affects the motor nerves to a great extent that it causes the deterioration of neurons

Is Heart Valve Repair surgery a risky procedure?


Heartbeats nonstop without any fatigue in order to provide blood to the entire body. It is the most essential part of the body and any malfunction or deformity in that part could lead to life-threatening conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to take absolute care of your heart.

Red Wine or White Wine - Which is good for a kidney


There are many reports backed by statistics that state the impact of wine on the health of the people. The adverse effect of alcohol on the condition of the kidney has always been discussed in the medical field because of its manifestation and impact.

What is the importance of a Hip Joint and who requires Hip Replacement Surgery?


The hip joint is basically a ball-and-socket type of synovial joint that helps in connecting the pelvic girdle to the lower leg or limb. This joint helps in movement, as the head of the femur rotates with the acetabulum of the pelvic or the hip bone.

Are there any complications after knee replacement surgery?


Knee-related problems are very common in old age. With age, the flexibility of the bone deteriorates and bones of the joints start to rub against each other which causes a lot of pain, swelling, inflammation, etc.

Cause of Gastric problem in the Stomach and its common symptoms


Gastric issues or gas in the stomach is a very common issue faced by every individual from time to time. Gas is usually a sign that you have digestive issues, indigestion or you have swallowed air while eating and drinking.

What is Hematuria and what causes it?


Hematuria is a condition in which a person observes blood in their urine which is alarming and a sign of an underlying disease that could be life-threatening as well. Blood in the urine can also be a sign of a urinary tract infection.

What is Acute Kidney Failure and what are its symptoms?


Acute kidney failure generally occurs when the kidney is unable to filter waste products from the body. Kidneys occur in pairs and have a shape similar to beans; the best quality of a kidney is that even if one kidney fails to perform

Dementia: Its Types, Symptoms, and Risk Factors


Dementia is basically a neurological disorder in which there is a deterioration of cognitive function and behavior that usually affects older people. Dementia can also be described as a syndrome that is used for a group of symptoms

All You Need To Know About Coronary Angioplasty


Coronary angioplasty is basically a cardiac surgical procedure that is required in order to open the blocked or clogged arteries of the heart; it is also widely known as a percutaneous coronary intervention.

What is Bell's Palsy, its symptoms, risk factors, Diagnosis, and treatment


Bell's palsy is a neurological condition that causes weakness in the muscles on one side of the face. Generally, in many cases the weakness or dropping of the face is temporary and it is improved over a period of time.

What are the risk factors of Acid Reflux and how can it be prevented?


Acid Reflux is a gastric condition in which the acid present in the stomach goes back up to the esophagus causing heartburn and discomfort. Acid reflux is normal if the person has gastric issues occasionally but when this is caused frequently then it

Why do you need Heart Valve Surgery?


The heart is the most important organ in our body as it helps in the transportation of blood that carries nutrients and oxygen to the entire body. Any malfunction in any part of the heart can lead to life-threatening conditions.

Why do you need Knee Replacement Surgery and what are the risk factors associated with it?


Knee replacement surgery is also known as knee arthroscopy which is a very common procedure for people suffering from knee arthritis. People who suffer from chronic knee pain usually go for knee arthroscopy

What to expect from a Hip Replacement Surgery?


Hip replacement surgery is required when a certain section of the hip joint is injured or goes through wear and tear, and the procedure is known as hip arthroscopy. Hip replacement surgery is less common than knee replacement surgery.

Suffering from Leg Pain due to Back Issues? Prevent the pain with these tips


Almost all of us have experienced pain in our legs or feet at some point in our lives. And we might think it's because of those pairs of ill-fitted shoes or due to any kind 

Suffering From Overactive Bladder Issues? Here is what you need to know


Do you often have to run to the restroom? 14% of men and 12% of women suffer from an overactive bladder. An overactive bladder is a condition that can be embarrassing 

Chest Pain Due to Gas: Manage your symptoms effectively with these expert tips


Have you ever felt a chest ache and thought you were having a heart attack? It’s not always a heart attack. You might experience the same if you have gas 

Feeling Sick After Eating: Here is what it could mean?


We all feel a little bloated every now and then, especially after a heavy meal, and that’s usually normal. However, if you’re always feeling sick to your stomach within minutes or hours after eating,

How is a Leaky Heart Valve Treated?


If you or your loved ones are being diagnosed with a leaky heart valve, you might wonder what that really means! A leaking heart valve allows blood to flow in both directions when it should only flow

These 3 Exercises Can Keep Your Heart Healthy


Keeping your heart healthy is one of the best things you can do for your health. And we all know that regular exercise is the best way to strengthen your heart muscles and keep it healthy.

6 Heart Health Facts Every Woman Should Know


Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in women. According to American Heart Association statistics, 90 percent of women have one or more risk factors for heart disease at some point in their lives.

Did You Know That These 10 Foods Can Cause Digestive Issues?


Do you feel bloated all day? Symptoms of indigestion can ruin your day entirely. Unfortunately, there are plenty of foods we consume that can cause indigestion. It's easy to pinpoint the obvious culprits 

Suffering From Hunched Back and Osteoporosis? Here is what you need to know


Osteoporosis is a bone disorder that frequently weakens the bones, making them fragile. Patients with osteoporosis experience bone loss largely in their upper 

Manage Your Hip Pain With These Simple Tips


When the question is about mobility, healthy hips are paramount. However, most often, we tend to ignore any milder signs or symptoms related to our hips. And when it becomes painful, many of us 

Here is How Losing Body Weight Helps You Relieve Knee Pain


Being obese can make you more prone to various health issues like heart disease, diabetes, kidney, and lung-related disorders. However, in the midst of other health issues, you might forget to take care of your knees.

Can Taking OCP Cause UTI Problems?


Oral contraceptives can protect you from an unplanned pregnancy, but they have a negative reputation due to some of their alleged side effects. Apart from the obvious side effects like weight gain and hair loss,

Can Diet Prevent Your Alzheimers


Memories are a part of our lives, and we all reflect on the good and bad events we've had. Unfortunately, with the increased incidence of Alzheimer's disease, reminiscing about those good old days has become difficult.

Getting Familiar with the Symptoms of Heart Attack


If you frequently have a dull aching or a burning sensation in your chest and have neglected it for an extended period of time, you should see your doctor immediately.

Warning Signs of Heart Disease That You Should not Ignore


Heart attacks often don’t come with warning bells or with unbearable pain in your chest. Sometimes it may not be painful at all, i.e., much different from the situations

Understanding the Benefits of TAVI


Does the word ‘open heart surgery’ scare you and make you feel anxious? Then we have good news for you. In recent times, due to immense advancements in the medical field

Take Care of Your Heart During Summer with These Expert Tips


Summer is the season of sunburn and those tan lines while enjoying outdoor activities. However, before you spend more time in the sun, you need to know how much sun exposure

Consider TURP for Your Enlarged Prostate


If you have prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate (BPH), your doctor may suggest a number of therapy choices for you. Prostatectomy, or TURP

How to Take Care of Your Joint Pain During Menopause?


Menopause occurs when you no longer have your periods and are unable to become pregnant. Low hormone levels in the body can cause a variety of symptoms.

Low Sodium Diet: How can this help your heart?


If you or someone you know has heart disease, then you might have heard one common piece of advice that everyone knows, “eat less salt." Excessive salt consumption can be harmful 

Recovering From Brain Surgery: Cope with the situation with these tips


Going through a brain operation might sound frightening. Your surgeon had to drill within your head to remove the mass for whatever reason (malignant or non-cancerous tumor).

When to Seek Speech Therapist for Your Child?


Kids and toddlers communicate in many ways. Every kid is different, and thus, some may talk a mile a minute, others are a little more reserved. 

Why Are You Seeing Traces Of Blood In Your Urine


Finding traces of blood in your urine can be disturbing as well as alarming. While in many cases, it does not indicate any serious problem but you should not take the problem lightly as sometimes, 

Common ENT Problems in Kids That Every Parent Should Know About


ENT problem is an umbrella term used for the entire gamut of diseases, ailments and infections that specifically affect the ears, nose and throat. 

Dealing With Epilepsy With The Right Knowledge


Ever heard about epilepsy? It is a neurological disorder marked by a severe abnormality in the brain function that triggers seizures or periods of eccentric behaviour. 

How to Prepare for Weight Loss Surgery?


Undergoing a weight loss surgery surely is no small deal. There is a plethora of things that are to be taken care of. Performed at all the leading hospitals, 

Do you know that you are at Greater Risk for Kidney stones in summer?


The scorching heat has come up again, and the kidney stone season began a couple of weeks ago. Usually, doctors see an increase in kidney stones when the weather heats up.

Myths & Facts About Arthritis


Arthritis is an umbrella term used for various joint diseases that can trigger persistent pain and inflammation, thereby affecting the quality of the patient’s life. 

Myths or Facts? Understanding fertility


Latest technological advancements have revolutionized medical treatments in India making it one of the leading hubs for medical tourism. 

Recovering from Heart Bypass Surgery During COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant decline in the number of overall heart surgeries. Unfortunately, it also means a rapid increase in mortality rate, 

Everyday Habits that can Affect Your Hearts Health


There are various activities that you indulge knowingly and unknowingly on a daily basis. We do a lot of things in our day to day life without even realizing 

What You Need to Know About Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation or TAVI


Cardiovascular diseases cause the most deaths every year in India. But most heart-related problems are often avoidable. You just need to manage your risk factors associated

Heart Failure and COVID-19: What You Need to Know


While the wave of novel Coronavirus has slowed down a bit, it has affected millions of people and continues to cause many fatalities across the world.

What Causes Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)


When your body don’t pump enough blood to meet the demands of the body, then congestive heart failure occurs. Our heart has the main function of circulating blood 

Know About Symptoms of Hip Dislocation


Do you feel that your hip is painful, swollen, or out of place that it could be seen visually? That could be the symptoms of hip dislocation. Know about the various signs that you should look out 

Know Everything About Wheezing


When you breathe, a high-pitch whistling sound is generated called wheezing. When you exhale, it can be heard more clearly, but in some serious cases, it can be heard when you inhale.

Do you need to Undergo Joint Replacement Surgery for Arthritis


Osteoarthritis is daunting and challenging for those individuals who are severely affected by arthritis. One potential treatment option is the joint replacement surgery in Jaipur

Lung Cancer: Understanding the Risks


Lung cancer is a malignancy marked by the uncontrollable growth of cancerous cells in the lungs. These unhealthy cells gradually replace all the healthy ones, 

Planning a Pregnancy Post Weight Loss Surgery


Obesity is a problem that affects a huge chunk of our population. Being a leading risk factor for a broad spectrum of diseases and ailments, obesity has become one of the major causes 

Finding Hope in the Darkest Year


What a Year! 2020 has been one of the most volatile and challenging years of our lifetime. The COVID-19 pandemic and resultant economic distress have tested all of us in many different ways.

Dealing with Your Kid’s Ear Wax Problem


Ever heard the term ear wax before? Well, it is a very common problem that affects children, and even some adults. You must have seen your child complaining of pain and blockage in the ear.

How Your Habit of Smoking is Slowly Killing Your Lungs


Menopause occurs when you no longer have your periods and are unable to become pregnant. Low hormone levels in the body can cause a variety of symptoms.

Right Diet For the Effective Management of PCOS


Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a condition that affects almost 7 per cent of the adult female population. Marked by severe hormonal imbalance, 

Getting Ready for Arthroscopy


Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive orthopaedic procedure that helps to visualize the joints for diagnosing, assessing and evaluating a wide range of problems and ailments.

Risks of Sports Injury in Your Young Athletes


Being in the field for hours to fulfil your passion is a great thing to do, but this comes with certain risks as well. Sports injury, as the name suggests, refers to an injury that is sustained 

All You Need to Know About Knee Cap Dislocation


Knee cap dislocation is a condition marked by the displacement of the patella bone, which may be accompanied by the stretching and tearing of the connective tissues that hold it in place.

Muscle Injury Treatment for Muscle Strains


Muscle strain, also referred to as pulled muscle, is a problem caused by the excessive stretching and tearing of the muscles. This is usually a result of fatigue,

Common Habits That are Destroying Your Kidneys


Shaped like beans, kidneys are part of our renal system. They play a very crucial role in keeping your body healthy and free of diseases. Their purpose is to filter out the excess water 

Everything You Must Know About Laparoscopic and General Surgeries


Mostly used for diagnostic purposes, surgeons perform laparoscopic surgery in India to examine inside the abdomen. Also known as keyhole surgery, it allows the surgeon to access 

Problems That Women Face In Their Weight Loss Journey


If you’re trying to lose weight, eating more veggies and cutting down on sugar won’t be enough. You might see early success in the start, but after a while, the weight comes back

Common Habits That Can Cause Male Infertility


When it comes to infertility, the focus has always been on women. However, men are equally to blame for this problem. 12-18 million couples in India are diagnosed with infertility every year.

What Are Rheumatic Diseases?


While rheumatic diseases are often associated with joint pains and arthritis, there’ so much to know about these diseases. First of all, they’re a type of autoimmune disorders

TAVI & TAVR Heart Valve Replacement Procedure


TAVI & TAVR : Eternal Hospital provides the best tavi & tavr heart valve replacement surgery in Jaipur, India. Our experienced doctor, surgeons & specialists team offer treatment at an affordable cost.
